Art Knapp nursery has over 5 acres of plants making it the largest in Kamloops and area. We carry a wide selection of trees, shrubs, evergreens, perennials, fruit trees, small fruits, flowering shrubs and more. We grown a vast majority of our fruit trees, perennials and shrubs in our growing site located at our homestead in Rayleigh.

For many gardeners, annuals are a go-to solution for an array of garden needs. Annual flowers are a quick way to fill empty spots in flowerbeds, and early-blooming spring annuals make great additions to container gardens. A mix of annual plants can offer a colorful solution for windowbox plantings. However, for any garden, there are dozens of annuals that might work for particular sun/shade situations, soil conditions, and color/plant preferences.
Before deciding which annuals are right for your garden, consider the following questions:
- Where do you plan to place your annuals?
- Is the area shaded, sunny or a mixture of both?
- What is the typical growing season in your region?
- Are there certain types or varieties of annuals you prefer?
- What are the characteristics of your soil, climate and garden?

The Art Knapp garden centre carries a variety of indoor and outdoor Tropical plants perfect for the Kamloops climate including Hoyas, Canna, Taro, Red and Green Caladium, Cactus and succulents. Tropical plants can be combined with other traditional annual plants in flower beds and containers to be placed around decks, pools or other outdoor living or recreation areas. Just remember, most tropical plants are not winter-hardy above Zone 10. To carry them over to the next season they would have to be planted in a container and overwintered indoors.

We carry one of the largest selection of packaged seeds servicing all major brands including Westcoast, McKenzie, Pacific Northwest, Livingston and Mr.Fothergills.
Our grass seed blends are specifically blended for interior climates. Both drought resistant, low water usage as well as Chafer resistant. Let us help you choose the best mix for your lawn.
Art Knapp has a large selection of premium bulk and bagged soils. Whenever possible we source local reusable ingredients. Many of our soils have been developed by us for our specific environmental conditions of Kamloops. Each of our own Home & Garden soils have been blended for a specific plant needs to make them thrive in Kamloops conditions.
At Art Knapp Garden Centre our team of experts are here to assist you in choosing the right type of soils for your garden.

Art Knapp has partnered with Evergro Fertilizer manufactures to develop a wide spectrum of fertilizers in our own Home & Garden (HGE) line. Mainly its granular water soluble and liquid has the correct analysis to support your plant growing requirements.
We have a large selection of many different fertilizers to suit your needs including liquid, water soluble, organic, plant specific, lawn and time released.

Our fully certified staff follow and adhere to the strictest of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) guidelines. They utilize the latest in organic pest control within the nursery and are trained and knowledgeable in diagnosing any plant or pest problems you may be experiencing at home. We carry a large selection of beneficial insect controls. Come in and chat with an expert, diagnose your problem and find a safe, environmentally-friendly answer to resolve it.