yearly roses schedule month planting growing pruning calendar


For all you rose lovers out there, here are some tips and a rough schedule for your rose bushes this year:  


-Mid to late March is a good time to remove the mulch, when the ground is no longer frozen

-Begin to prune when the buds start to swell and you can tell what is alive and what didn’t make the winter. This is usually early April in the Valley bottom of Kamloops.

-Prune out all weak canes and leave 3-4 strong well spaced canes. Prune to an outward facing bud. Slant cut away from the bud.

-For Hybrid Tea Roses and Floribundas prune canes down to 6-12 inches. This will depend on how far the canes have died back, make sure the cane is alive below the cut

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roses thorns plants garden sunlight care pruning calendar monthly

-The canes can be sprayed with a dormant lime- sulphur spray to prevent Black spot, scale and reduce insect damage

-When the leaves begin to grow you can apply the first installment of Art Knapp Rose Food 6-8-12 or Art Knapp Flower and Vegetable fertilizer8-20-20, 30g per plant applied in a band 6 inches around the crown


-May through July you can fertilize roses every 6 weeks with Art Knapp Rose Food 6-8-12 or 8-20-20

-In August apply 0-0-60 1Tbsp/bush or a liquid application of 0-10-10 to help the canes mature


-September through Mid September stop dead heading to allow the rose hips to mature

-November, once the ground freezes, before there is a heavy snow cover, mulch roses with leaves & soil. The bushes can be cut back to 2 feet to allow greater movement around the plants

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