Goodbye Summer, hello Fall! And Fall means…Crocus! Fall flowering Crocus are a perfect way to enjoy beautiful blooms even in the cooler weather. Crocus AKA ‘Meadow Saffron’ start from a bulb planted 2”-4” under the soil surface in late Summer to early Fall. These delicate flowers bloom for 2-3 weeks in September in clusters, then remain dormant until the following Spring at that time green foliage will appear and stay until early Summer, then the process repeats. Once planted Crocus are very easy care, they may need water during the dry weather and enjoy full sun to part shade, but other then that they are maintenance free! There is over 6 types of Fall Crocus, including the Saffron Crocus. Autumn Crocus come in deep purple, lavender and all the way to white. Purple symbolizing dignity, pride and success. White symbolizing purity, innocence and truth. Overall Crocus represent looking on the bright side, which is perfect for the cooler seasons when there is not much colour. A fun fact about Crocus is they are 1 of only 18 plants documented as having a history of medical value for a long period of time. Not only is it a plant with history and meaning, but it is also beautiful and easy to grow!